Molitrix Scenekunst (MoS) is a performance company working with electronic music, voice and film. The company has produced several critically well-received performances consisting of various length and character for indoor and outdoor, as well as dance films. MoS produces both independent productions and commission-based works. The company are also giving classes and workshops. MoS aim …
Fors Works
Fors Works is the project formation around the choreographic work of Martin Forsberg. Forsberg’s work is made by questioning topics and contexts, turned into choreography. Stroking reality via theatrical awareness, the work is trying to question dance as an art form, through dance. Weather investigating the relation between feminism, DIY and taste (Comic Sans), the …
Siri & Snelle
Through numerous performances, Siri & Snelle have developed a personal style unrestrained by conventional genres. They playfully incorporate elements from a variety of dance techniques, as well as narrative theatre, talk-shows and live music, blending them with humor and self-irony. Drawing upon both high and popular culture, as well as the completely uncultured, they highlight …
Panta Rei Dance Theatre
PANTA REI DANCE THEATRE (PRD) is based in Oslo, Norway. The company is known for its high paced and colorful dance theatre performances accessible to a wide audience. PRD has an extensive outreach program to support the artistry. Panta Rei Dance Theatre was established in 2000. The company has since created nine productions and led numerous …
Nordic Attendance in New York
during APAP NYC 9 – 13 January 2015 Below follows as many of the Nordic activities as we have been able to gather during APAP and ISPA in January in New York. 9 JANUARY 9:00 – 12:00 APAP | NYC Pre-Conference: Our Global Community Pirjetta Mulari from Dance Info Finland and Michael Orlove (National Endowment …
Charlotte Engelkes Production
Miss Very Wagner photograph: Anna Diehl photograph: Mats Bäcker Kira – I huset där jag bor photograph: Performing Pictures Charlotte Engelkes is national and internationally active as a director, choreographer, and artist. Her repertoire covers dance, theatre, opera, and performance. Characterized by an unrestrained genre mix, a personal appeal, warm humour, and surprising conclusions. Engelkes …
Nordic performing arts at CINARS 2014
17 – 23 November 2014 CINARS 2014 in Montréal starts and the Nordic countries will be present with companies, showcases, a party and events. We have assembled all of the Nordic programme items and in which booth to find us all. Read more here: Nordic Performing Arts at CINARS 2014
Nordic Activities at CINARS 2014
Use CINARS to explore Nordic performing arts! We have gathered Nordic events that will take place at CINARS in Montréal 17 – 23 November 2014. We hope you will find it useful. You will find information about MADE IN the web at the Locobangnordberg Booth 322. All the booths and their participating companies/organisations are listed …
Krosness & Pekula Collaborations
Krosness & Pekula Collaborations is a collaboration between dance artists Disa Krosness & Erika Pekula Pettersson. They started working together in late 2012 with the piece Duolog that’s playing for young and adult audiences around Sweden and Norway. Their latest production is an independent sequel of Duolog called Piles of waste, fate and fortune (Öde(s)högar, …
Claire Parsons CO
Choreographer Claire Parsons and her company present innovative, high-quality performance art for young audiences. The work is acclaimed for its stunning visuals, exquisite performers and perfectly balanced interaction with the spectators. With playful elegance, humour and warmth, audiences are invited into exciting new worlds together with the performers. 2018 Claire Parsons received the prestigious Cullberg …